Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 days of Lists: day 12

Have you done 30 days of lists? I am truly enjoying this little self introspection. It's lovely. :) If you would like to join in for the March session (what I'm doing now) or the upcoming September session you can read about it here.

Today's list is weekly rituals. I cannot say that I am particularly good about doing anything on a regular schedule. Something which I am working to remedy over the next few months. So, I guess this is a good time to list what I do now and how that will change over the next months. Yay for comparison!

SUN: coffee on patio, lunch, pool time, knitting, blogging and blog reading.
MON: work, dinner, knitting
TUES: work, dinner, knitting
WED: work, dinner, knitting
THURS: work, wkly dinner date w/ friends
FRI: work, dinner, knitting
SAT: coffee, blog reading, cleaning, lunch, sister's house

Yep, that's the weekly rituals. Ugh so droll. no wonder I'm bored!! Must remedy quickly!

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