Starting your own business is hard work. Whomever said working for yourself is the way to go had to be crazy at some point! Anyway, new website, new blog, new stuff to sell!!
I'm a 30 something knitter who just started knitting October 2008, thanks to my best friend. It's been my joy ever since then and I just love creating Christmas presents. I have yet to actually keep anything for myself so I might work on some projects for just me.
I'm doing a festival in Liberty, Mo called the Liberty Fall Festival. I'm in a booth with my sis in law and 2 friends. I'm very excited and really am just looking to get my name out there, not so much in making a whole lot of money. I hope to (someday in about 20 years) be able to do this more full time as it's extremely therapeutic, but right now I'm using knitting as my own type of therapy.
I hope to post regularly, but we'll see what all I'm able to get accomplished since I do work full time and am married w/ kids.
Thank you for stopping in to browse and enjoy the patterns posted and new pictures!!
Cole E.
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